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My High School Chapel
My High School Chapel

My High School Chapel

45 mins
10 mins

Recipe by Annabel. Episode 5.

Keep my screen awake
  • Ingredients
  • Method



  • 500g butter
  • 2 cups Chelsea Caster Sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 8 cups flour
  • 4 tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp cloves
  • 3 ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 cup Chelsea Golden Syrup

Caramel & Stained-glass Window

  • 6 cups Chelsea White Sugar
  • Food colouring

Royal Icing

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1kg Chelsea Pure Decorating Icing Sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Food colouring gel (light blue, dark blue, green)

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Golden Syrup

Golden Syrup

Chelsea Golden Syrup in the...
Caster Sugar

Caster Sugar

The fine crystal of Chelsea...
White Sugar

White Sugar

The uniform size of the...

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Preheat oven to 180°C. Gingerbread
Cream together the butter and Chelsea Caster Sugar. Add the egg yolks and mix well.
Add all the dry ingredients along with the slightly warmed Chelsea Golden Syrup. Tip onto the bench and bring together with your hands.
Roll out and cut using templates (you can look up other gingerbread house templates, or use the Chelsea Gingerbread template linked below as a guide).  Bake the pieces for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden.
Once baked, set aside to cool and harden.
Gingerbread House template : Caramel & Stained-glass Window
Melt Chelsea White Sugar with some water in a pot and bring to boil. Set aside to let set slightly.
For the stained-glass window, start melting 1 cup of Chelsea White Sugar it until it reaches hard crack. Pour this into the cut hole and let set.
Be careful not to move the sugar around too much otherwise it will crystallise.
Royal Icing : Beat the egg whites with Chelsea Pure Decorating Icing Sugar until its thick, then add in the lemon juice and briefly beat again.
Remove 1/3 of the icing from the bowl and colour it a dark blue, colour the next 1/3 a lighter blue & colour the remaining 1/3 a green. Transfer both blue colours to piping bags. And transfer a small amount of the green to a piping bag with a grass tip.
How to assemble: Remember to put a torch inside the would-be building before sealing the biscuit pieces up. Use the caramel to glue the biscuit pieces together.
Spread a small amount of the dark blue icing all over the roof and the steeple. Then pipe on the remaining icing to resemble tiles. Use the lighter blue to pipe along the edges of the biscuits to hide some caramel that is poking out. Spread the green icing all over the board and use the green in the piping bag to pipe glass around the building.
Paint the set stained-glass window with food colouring of your choice.

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