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Golden Pavlova
Golden Pavlova

Golden Pavlova

20 mins
1 hours 30 mins

Deliciously easy, and made with our NEW Chelsea Raw Caster Sugar, giving it a light caramel flavour, we are sure you'll enjoy this pavlova with a twist.

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 6 egg whites (at room temperature)
  • 2 cups Chelsea Raw Caster Sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • 2 tsp cornflour
  • 300ml cream, whipped
  • Fruit for decoration

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Raw Caster Sugar

Raw Caster Sugar

Delicately flavoured with a...

{has_more=false, offset=2, total=2, results=[{comment_text=Way too soft, the outside was hardened, but even that couldn't save it. Ended up a big mess, tasted fine but i'll stick to my old recipe., approved=true, user_name=Maree, hs_createdate=1702249878822, rating_new__1_5_=1, id=11175475796}, {comment_text=Absolutely delicious, all the family loved it. I have given it to so many friends, as it is the lovely crunchy pavlova, that we all love., approved=true, user_name=Gaylyne Mason, hs_createdate=1702249873792, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175653753}]}

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Pre-heat oven to 110ºC bake (not fan bake).
Line a baking tray with baking paper.
In a large metal, ceramic or glass bowl (not plastic), beat the egg whites until soft peaks form.
Continue beating while adding the Chelsea Raw Caster Sugar a quarter of a cup at a time. The mixture should get glossier and thicker with each addition and this should take at least 10 minutes. Beat in the vanilla, vinegar and cornflour.
Spoon mixture out into a dinner plate-sized mound on a baking paper prepared tray.
Bake for approximately 1½ hours, until dry and crisp and it lifts easily off the baking paper. Turn oven off and leave for at least another hour before removing from the oven.
When completely cool, place on a serving plate, swirl the top with the whipped cream and decorate with sliced or chopped fruit of your choice.

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