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Chocolate Plum Tart
Chocolate Plum Tart

Chocolate Plum Tart

35 mins
55 mins

Our Chocolate Plum Tart is a rich, decadent dessert with a chocolate pastry crust and a sweet plum filling.

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


Chocolate Pastry

  • 150g plain flour
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 100 g butter, softened
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 100g Chelsea Icing Sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

Chocolate Plum Filling

  • ½ cup cream
  • 200g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 3 egg yolks
  • ¼ cup Chelsea Dark Cane Sugar
  • 4 plums, stones removed and sliced (or 4-6 plums from an 850g can Black Doris plums)

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Dark Cane Sugar

Dark Cane Sugar

A moist, dark brown sugar...
Icing Sugar

Icing Sugar

Icing sugar can also be...

{has_more=false, offset=2, total=2, results=[{comment_text=This looks very yummy in my tummy to eat so thank you for the instructions for making it :)))), approved=true, user_name=Harper, hs_createdate=1702249866764, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175607380}, {comment_text=NULL, approved=true, user_name=hi, hs_createdate=1702249859352, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175469893}]}

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Brush a 24cm loose bottom tart or flan tin with a little vegetable oil.
Sift the flour, cocoa and salt into a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the softened butter, egg yolks, icing sugar and vanilla extract and stir together in the well. Use a clean hand to bring the dough together, knead briefly before chilling for 20 minutes.
On a floured board roll the pastry out to the required shape, lay the pastry in the tart tin and line with baking paper & baking beans. Blind bake at 180°C for 10 minutes. Remove blind baking material and continue to bake for another 5 minutes. Remove and lower the oven temperature to 160°C.
To make the filling, heat the cream in a small bowl set over a saucepan of boiling water. Add the chocolate and stir until melted. Beat together the egg yolks and sugar until the sugar has dissolved. Fold through the chocolate mixture.
Pour into the pastry lined tart pan, dot with the plums and bake for 35-40 minutes until set.

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