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Puff Pastry (used in Gâteau St. Honoré)
Puff Pastry (used in Gâteau St. Honoré)

Puff Pastry (used in Gâteau St. Honoré)

10 mins

Series 2, Episode 5. Using the 'French Method' for making Puff Pastry, remember to make this ahead of when you need it as it needs to rest. See the link below for the Gâteau St. Honoré.

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 300g high grade flour
  • 50g chilled butter
  • A good pinch of salt
  • 160ml cold water (place in the refrigerator overnight)
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 200g chilled butter for layering

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Place the flour, chilled butter, salt into a large mixing bowl and using your fingers roughly break up the butter into the flour. Add the cold water and lemon juice, then using your hand mix the ingredients to form a firm dough, tip the dough out onto a lightly floured bench and knead for 2 - 3 minutes, form into a ball.
Using a rolling pin and on a lightly floured bench roll out the dough to a square approximately 25cm x 25cm and approximately 1 cm thick.
Ensure the layering butter is the same consistency as the dough, this can be done by hitting the chilled butter with a rolling pin to achieve a square 17cm x 17cm, the hitting will be enough to soften the butter. Then place it in the centre of the rolled out square of dough.
Fold each corner of the dough into the centre to encase the layering butter in an envelope, obtaining two layers of dough and one layer of layering fat.
Now give the pastry 4 "double turns' resting in the refrigerator for 10 minutes in between each turn (always cover the pastry with plastic wrap to prevent the pastry drying out and skinning).
Wrap the pastry in plastic wrap, label and place into the refrigerator overnight to relax.
Double Turn (often called a book turn)
Roll out the pastry to a rectangle 1cm thick. By eye mentally divide the rectangle into half.
Fold outer left edge to centre. Fold outer right edge to centre. Then fold over down centre to create a book of four layers of pastry.

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