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20 mins
40 mins

Whip up a batch of Flapjacks, chewy and sweet oat bars that make for a perfect snack or breakfast on the go.

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 175g Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar
  • 175g butter
  • 1 Tbsp Chelsea Golden Syrup
  • 275g porridge oats
  • 1 tsp ground ginger (optional)

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Golden Syrup

Golden Syrup

Chelsea Golden Syrup in the...
Soft Brown Sugar

Soft Brown Sugar

This popular sugar is used...

{has_more=true, offset=10, total=11, results=[{comment_text=Don't be too much of a stickler with the ingredients. Works with the Treacle too, if you don't have any syrup. More butter makes it a bit more sticky. And a good glug of brandy doesn't go amiss either., approved=true, user_name=Matt, hs_createdate=1702249884185, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175716463}, {comment_text=Great recipe and very easy to make. Love it so much., approved=true, user_name=Oopickleflumple, hs_createdate=1702249883686, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175532077}, {comment_text=Great texture when cooked must try rcipe, approved=true, hs_createdate=1702249882414, rating_new__1_5_=4, id=11175411208}, {comment_text=I love this recipe. It is so yummy to have in a packed lunch. 5 stars - it's amazing., approved=true, user_name=Sidny, hs_createdate=1702249880513, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175365670}, {comment_text=These are delicious but I feel like the butter quantity is way off. It's dripping out of my flapjacks and has made quite a mess., approved=true, user_name=Tastes great but butter quantity is way off, hs_createdate=1702249880127, rating_new__1_5_=3, id=11175411123}, {comment_text=They are just in the oven now! We had to use icing sugar instead of brown sugar but hopefully they'll still be delish! I tasted the mixture and it tasted excellent though! We also had to use maple syrup instead of golden syrup, but I sure that will be fine too!, approved=true, user_name=1590966899, hs_createdate=1702249877976, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175365639}, {comment_text=Simple to make, kids love it, and the rolled oats remove some of the sugar / fat guilt., approved=true, user_name=Chrising, hs_createdate=1702249872970, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175495966}, {comment_text=I love this recipe so much and I'm sure the ginger flapjacks will be AMAZING to!, approved=true, user_name=Ally, hs_createdate=1702249872762, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175460929}, {comment_text=Don't cook for 40 minutes, they will be burnt! About 20 minutes is enough., approved=true, user_name=Roz, hs_createdate=1702249869805, rating_new__1_5_=4, id=11175513860}, {comment_text=Love these. Super quick and easy to make and deliciously caramelised. My tin was bigger than the recommended size so spread the mixture thinner and cooked for 20 mins, which was spot on. Will deffo whip these up again., approved=true, user_name=Lisa, hs_createdate=1702249866360, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175589654}]}

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Grease a 20cm/8 in square baking tin. Preheat oven to 150°C.
Put the Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar, butter and Chelsea Golden Syrup in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Stir with a wooden spoon. Remove the pan from heat. Tip the oats into the pan. Add the ginger (if using) mix well.
Pour the mixture into your prepared tin. Use your hands or a spatula to level it off. Leave to stand for 15 minutes.
Bake for at least 40 minutes, until golden and still a little soft in the middle. The mix firms up as it cools.
Leave to cool in the tin. When mixture has cooled slightly, cut into squares. Take them out when cold and firm.

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