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Buzzy Bee Cake
Buzzy Bee Cake

Buzzy Bee Cake

2 hours 30 mins
2 hours

Recipe by Annabel. Episode 1.

Keep my screen awake
  • Ingredients
  • Method


Chocolate Cake

  • 145g butter
  • 1 ½ cups Chelsea White Sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 ¾ cups plain flour
  • 1 ¼ tsp baking soda
  • ⅓ tsp baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • ⅔ cup cocoa
  • 1 ⅓ cups hot water

Honey Cake

  • 215g butter
  • 1 ¾ cups Chelsea White Sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 ¾ cups plain flour
  • 2 ¼ cups flour
  • 3 ½ tsp baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ cup dark honey
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 240ml milk
  • Italian Meringue Buttercream
  • 8 egg whites
  • 2 ⅔ cups Chelsea White Sugar
  • 1kg butter
  • Black and yellow food colouring
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

Sugar Wings

  • 2 cups Chelsea White Sugar


  • Yellow fondant
  • Black fondant
  • White fondant
  • Pink fondant
  • Purple fondant
  • Green fondant

Chelsea Products in Recipe

White Sugar

White Sugar

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Preheat oven to 180°C. Chocolate Cake
Grease an 18cm round cake tin and a 16cm round cake tin and line with baking paper. Cream butter and Chelsea White Sugar together until pale and fluffy. Whisk eggs together in a bowl and set aside. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt and set aside. Mix cocoa with hot water and stir to dissolve the cocoa. Slowly incorporate the eggs into the butter and sugar. Now alternate the flour mix and the chocolate liquid until everything is incorporated. Scrape down the bowl and beat briefly. Pour into the prepared tins and bake for 35 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Honey Cake : Grease an 18cm round cake tin and a 16cm round cake tin and line with baking paper. Cream butter and Chelsea White Sugar together until pale and fluffy. Whisk eggs together in a bowl and set aside. In a separate bowl, combine all the dry ingredients and set aside. Add the honey to creamed mixture along with the eggs (slowly) and the vanilla extract. Now alternately add the dry mix and the milk until everything is incorporated. Pour into prepared tins and bake for 35 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Leave both cakes to cool.
Italian Meringue Buttercream : Beat the egg whites (only do 4 at a time) until stiff. Meanwhile, heat the Chelsea White Sugar until it reaches 121°C. Slowly add sugar to the egg whites and beat until cold. Add 500g of soft butter until it is thick. Repeat again. Colour 1/4 of the buttercream yellow and 1/4 black, then transfer each to piping bags with an open star tip.
Sugar Wings : Make the sugar wings by heating the Chelsea White Sugar until it reaches the hard crack stage (150°C), then carefully shape into wings (watch out for the very hot mixture!).
Make the antennae by rolling tubes of black fondant and inserting a wire in the centre. Coil it to look like a spiral.
Make the fondant decorations (leaves, flowers etc.).
Once the cakes are cold, level them and cut 2cm off the bottom of each 18cm cake and only 1cm off the 16cm cakes (so that they have a flat base to stand on). Stack them against each other vertically with buttercream, so that there is a 16cm cake on both ends and the 18cm cakes in the middle. Alternate the light and the dark cakes. Chill for 30 minutes.
Carve cakes into the rounded shape of a bee and coat with a thin layer of buttercream. Chill for a further 30 minutes.
Roll out some yellow fondant and cut it into two slightly elongated circles (one for the front and one for the back). Also, roll out 2 circles for the eyes and smaller black ones to make the pupils. Make a glint in the eye by placing a very small dot of white fondant inside the black pupil. Make the mouth using black fondant.
Place the yellow fondant onto the front and back, then stick the facial features on. Pipe on the stripes of the bee.
Finally, insert the antennae and the wings. Place a few fondant flowers around the bee on the board.

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