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Microwave Mixed Berry Jam
Microwave Mixed Berry Jam

Microwave Mixed Berry Jam

5 mins
10 mins

Try this super quick mixed berry jam recipe, made in the microwave.

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 500g berries e.g. raspberries, blackberries
  • 2 cups Chelsea Organic Raw Sugar
  • 1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Organic Raw Sugar

Organic Raw Sugar

Chelsea Organic Sugar is an...

{has_more=false, offset=1, total=1, results=[{comment_text=Fantastic easy to follow recipe. Loved that the instructions were so comprehensive including how to sterilise the jars. Thanks so much :), approved=true, user_name=Anthea, hs_createdate=1702249853775, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175627298}]}

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Place berries and lemon juice in a deep microwave proof bowl (glass or Pyrex). Microwave on high power for 2 minutes then stir in the Sugar. Cook on high for 5 minutes then stir.
Cook for a further 5 to 8 minutes until the jam setting point is reached (104°C). A jam or candy thermometer to accurately gauge this temperature eliminates all the guess work.
Pour into 2 warm sterilised jars and seal.
Tip: To sterilise jars in the microwave half fill clean jars with cold water and cook on high 2 to 3 mins until the water boils. Carefully tip out the water and fill the jars while still warm.
Makes 2 1/2 cups.

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