{has_more=false, offset=3, total=3, results=[{comment_text=Love this cake... thank you Chelsea! A fabulous alternative to Christmas cake... great for a Birthday, Winter blues treat, Welcome Spring, Office share a plate - Are you thinking its a favourite? What ever gave you that idea! Giggle., approved=true, user_name=Alex, hs_createdate=1734650056974, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=21515514222}, {comment_text=Yummy cake! Made it twice already. I was just wondering if we could use all brown sugar instead of white and brown. Would that make a difference in the taste or texture?CHELSEA: Hi there, we haven't tried it this way before. We think it should still taste great if you use all brown sugar in the cake mixture, but would recommend using white sugar in the rum syrup., approved=true, user_name=Sarah, hs_createdate=1702249860736, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175572637}, {comment_text=I tried this and it was yummy! Came out really well, thank you!!, approved=true, user_name=Sarah, hs_createdate=1702249852719, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175388221}]}
What did you think of this recipe?
Love this cake... thank you Chelsea! A fabulous alternative to Christmas cake... great for a Birthday, Winter blues treat, Welcome Spring, Office share a plate - Are you thinking its a favourite? What ever gave you that idea! Giggle.
Yummy cake! Made it twice already. I was just wondering if we could use all brown sugar instead of white and brown. Would that make a difference in the taste or texture?CHELSEA: Hi there, we haven't tried it this way before. We think it should still taste great if you use all brown sugar in the cake mixture, but would recommend using white sugar in the rum syrup.
I tried this and it was yummy! Came out really well, thank you!!
Cut dates into three pieces, sprinkle with soda and cover with boiling water. Cool.
Cream butter and sugar together, then add egg. Add nuts and essence, then the date mixture and mix well. Sift flour, salt and spice and fold into date mixture. (Do not over-mix) Put into a well-greased or baking-paper-lined 23cm cake tin. Bake for 40-45 minutes at 160°C.
When cooked, remove from oven and make the rum syrup. Boil butter, sugar, and water for 1 minute, then add essence. Pierce top of cake with a clean knitting needle or bamboo skewer and drizzle over hot syrup.
Love this cake... thank you Chelsea! A fabulous alternative to Christmas cake... great for a Birthday, Winter blues treat, Welcome Spring, Office share a plate - Are you thinking its a favourite? What ever gave you that idea! Giggle.
Yummy cake! Made it twice already. I was just wondering if we could use all brown sugar instead of white and brown. Would that make a difference in the taste or texture?CHELSEA: Hi there, we haven't tried it this way before. We think it should still taste great if you use all brown sugar in the cake mixture, but would recommend using white sugar in the rum syrup.
I tried this and it was yummy! Came out really well, thank you!!