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Easy Apple Cinnamon Pie
Easy Apple Cinnamon Pie

Easy Apple Cinnamon Pie

30 mins
40 mins
Keep my screen awake
  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 400g sweet/short pastry
  • 6 large apples, about 1kg
  • ½ cup raisins
  • finely grated rind of1 lemon
  • 3 tablespoons Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Chelsea Icing Sugar to dust

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Soft Brown Sugar

Soft Brown Sugar

This popular sugar is used...
Icing Sugar

Icing Sugar

Icing sugar can also be...

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Preheat the oven and oven tray to 190ºC.
Divide the pastry into thirds. Keep one third for the topping, wrapped, in the freezer. Take the remaining two thirds of the pastry and roll into a ball. Roll into a thin circle on a lightly floured surface.
Line a 23cm loose bottom quiche or flan tin with the rolled pastry. Trim the edges.
Mix the apple with the raisins, lemon rind, Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar and cinnamon. Spoon into the pastry case. Grate the reserved, chilled pastry over the apple.
Bake for 40-45 minutes. Dust with Chelsea Icing Sugar and serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream.
As a variation, use blueberries, sliced rhubarb or peaches.

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20 mins prep, 40 mins cook
4.5 (173)
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