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Chocolate Waffles
Chocolate Waffles

Chocolate Waffles

15 mins
15 mins

What's better than waffles? Chocolate waffles! Try this delicious waffle recipe and let us know what you think,

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  • Ingredients
  • Method


  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 3 Tbsp Chelsea Golden Syrup
  • 1 ¼ cups milk (approx)
  • 50g butter, melted
  • 1 ½ cups flour
  • 4 Tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tsp baking powder

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Golden Syrup

Golden Syrup

Chelsea Golden Syrup in the...

{has_more=false, offset=9, total=9, results=[{comment_text=Amazing. It tastes super good with Nutella., approved=true, user_name=lachie, hs_createdate=1702249882925, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11174084937}, {comment_text=This recipie needs more sweetness added to it. It didn't appeal to me, approved=true, hs_createdate=1702249866876, rating_new__1_5_=2, id=11175383409}, {comment_text=I think it was fantastiabouls fantastic, and amazing., approved=true, user_name=no one, hs_createdate=1702249863529, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175379611}, {comment_text=Amazing!!!, approved=true, user_name=Anonymous, hs_createdate=1702249862867, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175396777}, {comment_text=i like this very much., approved=true, user_name=dijon, hs_createdate=1702249861329, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175365431}, {comment_text=Best waffles ever.... could do with some chocolate chips tho, approved=true, user_name=1501276572, hs_createdate=1702249859604, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175436068}, {comment_text=it was okay, approved=true, user_name=hi, hs_createdate=1702249856952, rating_new__1_5_=3, id=11175365382}, {comment_text=it was amazing, so good, approved=true, user_name=daniel, hs_createdate=1702249851238, rating_new__1_5_=5, id=11175342678}, {comment_text=Missing sugar, I added dark sugar for crispier waffles., approved=true, user_name=Cricket, hs_createdate=1702249850077, rating_new__1_5_=1, id=11175392281}]}

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Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. In a food processor or large bowl beat yolks and golden syrup together, add milk and melted butter then dry ingredients. Fold in egg whites. Heat a waffle iron, preferably one with a non-stick surface. When hot, ladle in a spoonful of mixture to cover the surface. Close lid and cook for approx 1 minute until steaming ceases.
Keep waffles warm in oven while preparing the rest.
Serve topped with sliced bananas and drizzled with Chelsea Golden Syrup.

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