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Bread & Butter Picnic Cake
Bread & Butter Picnic Cake

Bread & Butter Picnic Cake

3 hours
1 hours 30 mins

Recipe by Jeff. Episode 10.

Keep my screen awake
  • Ingredients
  • Method


Bread Loaf

  • 60g Chelsea Caster Sugar
  • 85g egg whites
  • 60g egg yolks
  • 20g honey
  • 60g high grade flour
  • 20g full-fat milk
  • 1 tbsp instant coffee

Coffee Craquelin

  • 75g Chelsea White Sugar
  • 75g butter
  • 75g flour
  • 1 tsp coffee

Hazelnut Dacquoise 'Butter'

  • 70g ground hazelnuts
  • 100g Chelsea Icing Sugar
  • 3 egg whites (room temp)
  • 35g Chelsea Caster Sugar

Chocolate Honeycomb Crunch

  • 200g Chelsea Caster Sugar
  • 50ml runny honey
  • 50ml water
  • 1 tbsp glucose syrup
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

Apple Cake

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 125g butter
  • ⅔ cup Chelsea White Sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 60ml milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 baking apples, peeled, cored and cut into ½-inch cubes

Rose Vanilla Tea Panna Cotta & White Choc Mousse Layers

  • 20g Chelsea White Sugar
  • 120g white chocolate, melted
  • 10g gelatin sheets, bloomed in cool water
  • 200ml full cream milk
  • 3 rose vanilla tea bags


  • 650g white chocolate
  • 200g cream
  • 55g butter
  • Yellow powder colouring

Chocolate Mousse

  • 2 tsp powdered plain gelatin
  • 2 tsp water
  • 300g white chocolate
  • 2 ¼ cup heavy whipping cream, divided
  • 35g Chelsea Icing Sugar
  • ¼ cup freeze dried feijoa

Orange Jelly

  • 500g mandarin puree
  • 500g orange juice
  • 4 tbsp gelatin

Apple Jelly

  • 200g apple juice
  • 1 sachet vegetarian gelatin

Chelsea Products in Recipe

Caster Sugar

Caster Sugar

The fine crystal of Chelsea...
Icing Sugar

Icing Sugar

Icing sugar can also be...
White Sugar

White Sugar

The uniform size of the...

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Preheat oven to 160°C. Line and grease cake pans.
Bread Loaf : Make craqeulin. Roll thinly & freeze.  Whisk egg whites till bubbles are very small. Gradually add Chelsea Caster Sugar whilst still whisking. Continue to whisk till firm (not stiff) peak stage, reducing speed towards the end to remove big air bubbles and prevent over whisking. Add yolks to whisked egg white in 4 batches. Whisk on low speed till evenly mixed after each addition. Add honey. Repeat whisking as before. Sift half of flour into batter. Mix with whisk till almost even. Sift remaining flour. Mix till just even. Drizzle milk around bowl. Whisk, skimming just top part of batter, till you don't see any milk. Scrape down and fold with spatula, banging bowl against worktop from time to time, till everything is just evenly mixed. Let batter rest 10 seconds or so midway, then bang bowl against worktop. Pour batter into lined cake pan, slowly and from about 30 cm high so that air bubbles burst as they flow out of bowl. Tap the pan against worktop 3 to 4 times. Place in bigger cake pan prepared earlier. Cover with craquelin.
Bake in bottom of oven till cake is brown and makes a soft squishing sound when pressed lightly,  for approximately 35 minutes.
Hazelnut Dacquoise 'Butter' : Roast hazelnuts. Remove skins and blitz. Sift hazelnut flour and Chelsea Icing Sugar together. Set aside. Whisk egg whites and Chelsea Caster Sugar to firm peaks. Fold in dry ingredients. Pour into the baking pan and bake for 35 minutes or until golden on top and a skewer comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
Chocolate Honeycomb Crunch : Grease a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Place Chelsea Caster Sugar, honey, water and glucose syrup into a pan and boil until temperature reaches 160°C; the colour should be a light caramel.  Take it off the heat and quickly whisk in the bicarbonate of soda then pour onto the baking tray.
Set the honeycomb aside to cool then bask into small pieces once completely cooled.
Apple Cake : Cream butter and Chelsea White Sugar. Add eggs. Beat well. Sift dry ingredients.
Sprinkle a little over the diced apples. Add some to the egg mixture, fold in milk, then rest of dry ingredients. Fold through apples and bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted to test.
Rose Vanilla Tea Panna Cotta & White Choc Mousse Layers
Combine tea bags and milk in a saucepan, bring the milk to boil then keep it simmering for 4 minutes, then remove from the heat and remove the teabags. Add in the bloomed gelatin and stir until dissolved. Slowly pour in the melted white chocolate and stir until fully combined. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, use electric beaters to egg yolks with Chelsea White Sugar in a heatproof bowl over simmering water, until pale and fluffy. Pour in the chocolate milk mixture and stir until smooth. Let cool at room temperature for about 10 minutes or until it is no longer warm.
Stir in the whipped cream until no big lumps of cream remain. Pour over the honeycomb crunch layer and leave in the freezer to set.
Ganache : Heat cream. Add chocolate and butter. Mix well and cool.
Chocolate Mousse : In a small bowl, combine the gelatin and water. Set aside. Measure out chocolate chips in to a medium bowl. Set aside. Warm 3/4 of the cream until almost boiling. Stir in gelatin mixture. Add chocolate to the cream and gelatin. After a short sit, stir to combine. In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, combine the rest of the cream and Chelsea Icing Sugar. Whip until a thick whipped cream texture. Fold 1/3 of the whipped cream in to the chocolate. Fold all together. Chill. Take a third of the mousse and use to layer entremet. In the other 2/3, fold through chopped freeze dried feijoa and place in sphere moulds to create oranges.
How to assemble: Cut rectangles from the dacquoise a little smaller than a block of butter. Layer with panna cotta. Make a layer with crumbled honeycomb. Cut a layer of apple cake. Create a mould out of double sided baking paper or find a container the right size. Layer with white chocolate mousse and freeze. Once firm, cover well with ganache and let it set. In a small bowl, combine the gelatin and water. Set aside.
Orange Jelly : Boil mandarins in pressure cooker for 10 minutes. Cool and puree.
Bloom gelatin in juice. Stir into mandarin puree while still hot. Set aside to cool to around 30°C.
Apple Jelly : Bring juice to simmer. Add gelatin and a drop of green food colouring. Set in small sphere moulds.
How to assemble continued: Cut rings of apple cake to fit inside spheres. 3/4 fill half-sphere moulds with feijoa white chocolate mousse.  Place a small sphere of apple jelly in the middle then a ring of apple cake. Freeze.
Once firm, press 2 half-spheres together to create an orange then freeze.
Dip spheres into orange jelly and hold for a minute to let it set on the frozen sphere.
Refreeze and repeat the process several times to create a solid covering.

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